Spring has definitely Sprung in the city of Penticton. All the residents are peeping there faces out of their doors, peering at the neighbour across the street, waving a friendly “hello”, and secretly judging their garden.
Meanwhile, up on Beaconsfield Mountain, we are thoroughly enjoying the entire hill to ourselves, doing fast-laps through soft, spring snow, working hard on our goggle-tans. The 20+ centimeters we had last Monday have brightened up the mountain (and everyone’s day!) so the mountain will be staying open until we had originally planned, April 6th. That Easter Monday will be our last day of skiing for the 2014/15 season. But that’s okay, we have lots planned to say “see-ya-later” to the season the right way!
Coming up…
We have the World’s Longest Rail Grind happening this Sunday, March 22nd! Bring the kids up and see if they can beat the WORLD RECORD! The record is unofficial unless verified by Guinness World Record’s but you can still get bragging rights everywhere you go! This starts at 1pm and there are lots of great prizes to be had!
Season Pass Holder’s Appreciation Day on Sunday, March 29th, at the top of the Quad if weather permits (we will be at the bottom of the quad if weather is uncooperative). Show your pass and get $2 hot dogs and burgers! Also, we will have a bunch of fun games set up for kids and adults (twister in the snow may or may not be one of them…)
Then, the End of Season celebrations really begin! Saturday is Pentagon’s Last Stand in Claim Jumper terrain park, followed by our annual Slush Cup event which is Beach themed! So wear your bathing suit, Hawaiian shirt, board shorts, towel, floaties, or whatever you feel like! Best costume prize!
The Sunday will be our kid friendly Easter Egg Hunt all around the mountain, starting at 10am. The excitement continues with our Dummy Downhill, a favourite event to watch and participate for all! Build a dummy out of old skis, old clothes and whatever you can find lying around!
We save Easter Monday for all you die-hard’s out there. Though, family ski day on Easter Monday is definitely a nice family tradition to get into. Soak up the sun and carve up the last remaining snow on Apex for the 2014/15 season, say good-bye, and get ready to do it all again next year!!